“The Turtle with No Shell”

Turtle was known to be quite proud of his shell. He wore it every day and never took it off while he bathed. His shell was his shelter and his comfort.

The entire forest knew how proud Turtle was of his shell. Every morning, as the summer fog sunk back into the ground, Turtle would wander around, showing off his shell. As the deer compares their antlers to Turtle's shell, the owls hop from branch to branch to peek at the top of his shell. The rabbits always had questions, and the chipmunks only wanted a ride. The entire forest enjoyed his shell. He was so proud of his shell as he wandered around. He was so proud that he forgot to look at the ground.


“My shell,” Turtle yelled as he looked around. The entire forest heard his cry and the crack of Turtle’s shell.

For the first time, Turtle no longer had shelter or comfort. He was simply a turtle without a shell. “Maybe it will grow back,” the deer said as they compared their antlers to Turtle’s shell.

The owls jumped from branch to branch, collecting sticks and creating a tiny bird’s nest. “Try this,” the owls said as they put it on Turtle’s back.

As Turtle wandered around, the twigs began to poke his skin.

The chipmunks suggested a walnut, but it was too small, and the rabbits offered a log, but it was too long. Turtle squeezed into a can that he thought was the perfect size…

But he got stuck.

Turtle found the biggest leaf and wore it like a hat. It covered his entire body, and he felt a little proud. But the leaf got too soggy when he tried to bathe.

Turtle gave up trying to replace his shell and shelter himself. Yet, as the summer fog sunk into the ground, the forest eventually found Turtle a new shell—a fresh pumpkin, craved by the owls and chipmunks and praised by the rabbits and deer. Turtle squeezed into his new shell and wandered around. It didn’t poke and was not too small or long. This pumpkin was the perfect size. So, as the summer sun peaked through the trees, Turtle enjoyed his new pumpkin shell.